There's something special about this season. You know, the one that's almost finished. Yes, Autumn. Well, it's got a very musical feel. L(v)eaves swaying in the still-not-too-cold breeze, and others crackling under your calm steps... So naturally, this has inspired my ukuleles and my backpacking self, to write an Autumn song. An Autumn Lviv Song.
Autumn Lvivs
It's not exactly early, especially with snow about to start falling on the Ukrainian city of Lviv. But I do tend to ̶L̶v̶i̶v̶ l(v)eave things to the last moment. It's partly my fault for being a bit too relaxed, and partly your fault for not even once pressing me to share with you a new song. No impatient messages, or l(v)ivid emails urgently pleading for new original ukulele music. You've left me with no pressure, in a city full of chocolates, deserts and coffee, sipping my days away in comfortable cafés, between cobbled stones and old Austrian buildings.
Ukulele Ben and the gang on Lviv's central square, Ukraine
And so, I stroll and ponder in Lviv's little square as Autumn ends. Almost starting to l(v)ive here among the locals and the roasting coffee beans. But Autumn's musical soul still got to mine somehow, thankfully, and a melody, which might not-so-discretely wink to another autumn tune, is yours to enjoy.
Alors que cette année s'endort lentement, au rythme de courtes journées, somnolant, je laisse l'hiver prendre racine, encore une fois, et se dessine l'esquisse des traits que je souhaiterais près de moi.
These Autumn Lvivs, carress my soul, and in the leaves that soon shall fall, I see the warmth that a fragile heart always calls, this as the cold sets itself around Lviv's old walls...
... still, these branches do sway, now at the other end of the year. And to the cobbled stones where I stray, as well as to us both right here, these Autumn leaves, they bring a call, down from the trees, to our soul. With them we sing, never to leave, our Autumn days, in Autumn Lviv.
Back from this ponderous promenade through the University park, returning on the historical centre's cobbled stones, I happened to walk by a sweet little place, Posta. The place with Lviv's "largest poscard collection". Not only do they have lots of poscards, they also have plenty of postcards, which I happen to be very fond of. All over the walls and the tables, a charming collection gives the place a special mood, up until you receive a special delivery, a letter, containing... the bill.
I would be thrilled to send you one from here in Lviv, Ukraine, right to your very doorstep, with written melodies and (sometimes) inspired doodles. Not only because you'd get a little something from a beautiful city far away, but also because I would really enjoy sending tokens of how charming this city has been to my instruments, my backpack, and to myself.
Click Here and Receive a little Postcard to your doorstep !!