
Hot News for Planet Earth and Swinging with the Algorithm

Today on the Issues menu, the attention-grabbing plight of us all, internet-surfers that we are, the YouTube algorithm. And also, more importantly, Global Warming, aka. Climate Change. It's happening. It might keep happening. Which will make lots of other things happen. Some of which, not so cool. Figuratively, and literally.

For all the links and references to the articles and content mentioned in the pod, please hop to:

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Tucking Away Trillions with Tax Evasion and Self-Helping Yourself to Success, Success

On the podding menu today, tax evasion, and how it all started - and how it’s still a-happenin’ - as well as self-help and the self-help industry !

So help yourself to a portion of issues, with songs of course, ‘Taxman Don’t Take my Money’ by Ben, which is not too long after skippy and happy ‘Success!’ by Marine.

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All the links of the articles and studies mentioned in the pod are on this page:



A Baby & Toddler Special with Vaccines & Nappies. Also, Cocaine.

Today on Issues & Songs, why it’s important to vaccinate your kids, and why Marine is upset that a certain Andy guy mislead the public with biased research. Also baby-themed, nappies ! Or diapers, depending which English you English.

A little bit of extra reading for you about nappies

and about wet wipes

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The Patriarchy's Downstairs Discrepancy and Cementing a Concrete Future for our Green Green Earth

Our website’s got a fresh new look: it’s so come drop by and say hi !

Today, we get started with the patriarchy, the world of and for men, and how this impacts female contraception. That’s just after brief meanderings about the political setup of our western democracies. Then we stumble onto concrete ! A hard topic to crack, but we give it our best shot. This may lead to silica particles in the air around the discussion.

All the links and references are in this specific blog post:

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Yellow fever patriotism, dead fish and plastic, plastic plastic

Join Ben and Marine for the new episode of the Issues and Songs podcast! It's non-recyclable. A bit like plastic. And before we dealve into that, a bit of a makeover for the happy-passionate lovers of flags and singing with clenched fists.

Marine's articles are

 Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made on ScienceAdvances

Here's the pdf of the International Coastal Cleanup Report 

And the huge plastic article quoted in the pod is the Guardian's Long Read  The plastic backlash: what's behind our sudden rage – and will it make a difference? you can skip to the last third for the best insight I'd suggest,

And the eco-pirate with the five Arrr'-s is here on her own website Zero Waste Home.

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